Teen Dating Violence

Love Shouldn’t Hurt
Myth Versus Fact

Myth: It can’t happen to me.
Fact: More than 1 in 10 young adults experience physical violence in their dating relationships.

Myth: Jealousy and possessiveness are a sign of true love.
Fact: Jealousy and possessiveness are a sign that the person sees you as a possession. It is the most common early warning sign of abuse.

Myth: Teen dating violence isn’t really that serious.
Fact: Thirty percent of all women who are murdered in this country are killed by their husband or boyfriend. According to a recent study conducted in Massachusetts, one in five teen girls are abused by their boyfriends. Also, 60% of all rapes reported to rape crisis centers are committed by acquaintances, and the majority of victims are aged 16-24.

Myth: Men cannot be a victim of dating violence.
Fact: While 95% of victims of abuse are females, men can be victims as well.

Myth: Victims bring on the abuse themselves. They ask for it.
Fact: Perpetrators believe they have the right to use abuse to control their partner and they see the victim as less than equal to themselves. The victim has no control over the abuser.

Myth: If a person stays in an abusive relationship, it must not really be that bad.
Fact: People stay in abusive relationships for a number of reasons: fear, confusion, loss of self-confidence, not recognizing that what’s happening is abusive, belief that the abuser needs their help or will change.

Do You Need Help?

Has Your Partner Ever Done This To You?

  • Continually criticized you, called you names, shouted at you, humiliated you?
  • Kept you from working, taken the car keys, controlled your money, made all of the decisions?
  • Regularly threatened to leave or told you to leave?
  • Threatened to hurt you, himself, your family or friends, or to kidnap the children?
  • Destroyed your property, punched holes in walls, broken appliances, hurt your pets?
  • Pointed a gun or other weapon at you?
  • Slapped, kicked, punched, grabbed, shoved, or choked you and afterwards promised never to do it again?
  • Demanded sex after threats or beatings?
  • Harassed you about whom you talk to, where you go, what you do or think?

If you answered yes to some of the above then you may be a victim of domestic violence. You are not alone. We help people every day in the Wilmington area who are being abused. The best way to contact us is to call 910.343.0703 or click here for additional contact options.